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The Simple 4 Step Formula for Writing Ads that Make Money

Never, in the vast history of advertising, have there been so many ways to connect with your target market than there are today.

Fantastic news (if you have a valuable product or service to offer). But, this also increases your chances of writing a ‘dud’ …


-The laws of the universe dictate that ads must continually produce sales.Any ad that costs more money to create - than it brings in - is called a dud-1


No matter which advertising medium you deploy, or how many creative bells and whistles you choose to attach, following these four basic selling principles (that have always worked) reduces your ‘dud’ potential by exactly 99.9% (Albert knows his stuff):


  • Know every benefit of what you’re selling
  • Gain ‘inside outknowledge of your ideal customer’s life
  • Focus on the main problem your service or product solves for her
  • Write an ad that shows your solution (and how to get it) at first glance


It may sound simple enough to achieve, but crafting an ad that sells is a finely tuned skill (and why most successful businesses hire great copywriters).

Need help crafting an ad that sells?

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